The Perfect Combination: ChimpRewriter and WordAi


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You’ve been sent here because there’s been a bit of disconnect emerge between automatic and manual rewriting in this industry. Everyone seems to focus on one or the other. But the truth is that for a truly successful content rewriting campaign, you need to leverage the best of both worlds. Over time, Chimp has been accepted by many as the best available manual rewriter while WordAi has emerged as the best option for automatic rewriting.

Why not bring them together?

Now, you can access both of these awesome packages under one roof. That means you can rewrite using your existing WordAi subscription from within ChimpRewriter.

It gets even better. When you use the ChimpRewriter – WordAi combination, you’ll get far more usage out of your new WordAi account.

The standard WordAi plan gets you 2.5 million words processed per month. Using ChimpRewriter, that jumps to 4 million!.

The turing plan normally gives you 250,000 words. With Chimp, try 400,000. Awesome, huh?

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